A Sustainable Dictionary


Leftover/extra fabric ordered by designers, fashion brands, and fabric stores who overestimated their needs and would otherwise end up in landfills.


Fabric that has been discarded from an individual’s personal fabric collection.

Fast Fashion

Cheap clothing that is mass marketed unethically at alarming speeds and volumes to keep up with current trends.


When a company makes themselves look eco-friendly but continues to engage in unethical fast fashion behaviors. A clear sign of this is when companies are deliberately vague about how they are being sustainable.

Organic Cotton

Organic Cotton is higher quality than conventional cotton and is shown to use over 60% less energy to produce. You may see it with an OCS or GOTS certification.


Can include fabric from the end of a new fabric bolt, random size & shape cut offs, and/or small portions of fabric leftover from larger projects.


Used or new fabric from household linens or garments sourced from thrift stores, charity shops, donations, and/or estate sales. May also see the terms upcycled/re-purposed used to describe secondhand fabrics.

Slow Fashion

The opposite of fast fashion. A lifestyle and philosophy that advocates for consuming less, investing in higher quality pieces, and making better choices for garment industry workers and the environment. May also see this referred to as Low Impact Fashion.

Textile Waste

A broad term used to refer to unused fabric and unsold garments that is wasted by the fashion industry.


Used or new fabric from household linens or garments that is 20 years or older.

Learn more about why fast fashion is harmful and the ways we practice sustainability at Dottie & Mae